
What is the meaning of the moola mantra
What is the meaning of the moola mantra

what is the meaning of the moola mantra what is the meaning of the moola mantra what is the meaning of the moola mantra

Going back to the bottom rung of the ladder and recommence the climb back up to happiness. When we return to and renew our efforts in spiritual practice. When we are in a slump, and then we wake up and turn towards healing. In our spiritual practice, Brahma is the first step in the healing process. Vishnu is the principle of support and protection of our spiritual Qualities.Shiva is the principle of dissolution and ending of defilements and pain,.Brahma is the principle of creation and beginnings,.I offer this for another song by Deva Premal entitled chid-ānanda rupa Shivo-ham = “I am Transcendence in the form of chid-ānanda.”īrahma is part of a trio in Hinduism, called tri-mūrti or three forms of Presence, three phases in our spiritual practice. I offer a simplified interpretation for this song, that suits the experience of being fully immersed in the beauty of the music and joining in with the song.īut for everyday life, we need a different interpretation to effectively handle everyday ups and downs. Sat-chit-ānanda and chid-ānanda are key Hindu themes to describe Presence. So I will refer you to other pages on my website for discussion of the Moola Mantra. Much has been published on each of these themes, on this and many other websites. The Moola Mantra recites a list of words that summarise important and foundational themes in the Wisdom of the East. I offer a translation to go with Deva’s song, to enhance our music meditation while we sing along to the recording.īut when we are not singing along with Deva Premal, we can also approach this mantra as a study of philosophy. This piece of music is about : how it actually feels when the spiritual Qualities are strong in our heart and our experience.

what is the meaning of the moola mantra

This piece of music by Deva Premal portrays the experience of Presence. ​This is an important mantra, for Moola = mūla means the basis, foundation and root of the Presence of Deity. (note : I have broken up some words into sections to help you pronounce the lyrics.) Presence ॐ that is real and true (to the spiritual Qualities.) (Let us) honour and be dedicated to this radiance of the enlightened human being : the Presence of Deity, (in ourselves and others.) (Let our heart) be perfectly guided by Deity (towards the spiritual Qualities). (Let us) renew our efforts (after a slump), as best we can. (Let our) motivation for spiritual practice be fully developed. (Let us experience the) eternal happiness (of the Presence of Deity.) (Let our) pure consciousness be true and real.

What is the meaning of the moola mantra